

時間:2020-11-15 12:47:46 禮儀英語 我要投稿




  1. 一般性告別用語:

  See you later (tomorrow). / See you. / See you soon. / Take it easy. / Take care. / Goodbye. / Bye (now). / Bye-bye. / Have a nice weekend (trip)! / Have a nice day! / Good luck! / I’ll be seeing you. / Let’s meet again soon.

  2. 分手時的客套話:

  Well, I have to be going. / I got to go now. / I got to run now. / Uh, will you excuse me? / Oh, I’m late. I should be going now. / It’s been nice talking to you, but I really must go now.

  3. 分手時的關(guān)懷語:

  Please give my best wishes to your father. / Please remember me to your father. / I’ll miss you. / Good to see you. / It’s been nice seeing you. / It’s been a pleasure. / I had a good (great) time today. / Thank you very much for everything. / You’ve been a big help. / Every success in your new job.


  1. 道歉的'一般用法:

  I’m (very / terribly / extremely) sorry. / Sorry. / Excuse me. / Please forgive me. / That’s my fault.

  2. 未能達成對方的期望時: Sorry we cannot help you. / I wish I could help you.

  3. 鄭重地道歉:

  I really appreciate all the trouble you’ve gone to (all your trouble). / I’m sorry I caused you so much trouble. / I can’t apologize to you enough.

  4. 道歉事與愿違:

  I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that. / I’m sorry it worked out this way (it has come to this). / I apologize if I hurt your feelings.

  5. 求對方寬。Will you accept my apology? / I owe you an apology.

  6. 對方等待時:I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.


  1. 一般的道謝:Thank you. / Thanks a lot. / That’s very kind (nice) of you.

  2. 深深的感謝:I really appreciate it. / I can’t thank you enough. / It was a great help.

  回答: It’s my pleasure. / The pleasure is (all) mine.

  3. 雖然不符所望,還是感謝:Thank you (Thanks) anyway. / Thank you all (just) the same.

  4. 感謝的事情明確時:Thank you for calling / writing/ inviting me / coming / your e-mail / your trouble.

  回答:That’s OK. / No trouble.


  1. 最普通的祝賀詞:Congratulations! …on…

  2. 祝酒等:Cheers! / Bottoms up! / Here’s to you! / To your future. / To your health!

  3. 祝賀生日節(jié)日:

  Happy Birthday! / Happy New Year! / Happy Valentine’s Day! / Merry Christmas! / Happy Spring Festival! / Happy Chinese New Year!

  4. 結(jié)局完美時:

  That’s good! / Lucky you! / You did it! / You made it! / You did a great job! / Nice! / Great!/ Fantastic! / Terrific! / Excellent! / Wonderful! / Neat! / Super!

  5. 婚禮等的祝賀:

  I wish you happiness and success in the future. / I wish you good luck. / I wish you everything you wish for yourself.


  Yeah, yeah. I know.

  There was a guy who just got out of a really bad divorce with his wife. One day, he found a genie\'s lamp. The genie came out and said, “Hello, master. I will grant you three wished, but, whatever you wish for your wife gets double.” The guy didn\'t like that part, but he made a wish anyway. For his first wish, he said, “Genie, I want a house in Hawaii.” POOF! He got one house; his wife got two. This didn\'t make him happy, but he made his second wish. “Genie, I want 2 billion dollars.” POOF! He got 2 billion dollars and his wife 4 billion. By now, the guy really wasn\'t happy. The genie said, "You have one more wish left. I have to remind you, whatever you wish for your wife gets double.” The guy said, “Yeah, yeah. I know.” Then he stopped, thought for a few minutes and said with a grin on his face, “I got it! Genie, beat me half to death!”









