ᘌиԇ h(hun)(ji)}ͽʽoλڂ俼P(gun)ԇĿԔ(x)Ľ܉ҸȫP(gun)ϢСᘌԵĽof
ּ} 6}һ}ּ} Ԓv_^ƪּҲеҪ҂ @Ўׂ~MɎʹұeּ What we will be discussing on today… ; what we will be focusing on today; @ɾgdiscuss on focus on߀take a look at let us discussȶɎʹƔࡣ
(x)(ji)} @}ĿͨǼ(x)(ji)(ni)ݵĿĻԭе}Ŀ?x)P(gun)y(tng)ӋĔ(sh)ֺݡ磺 for example; the reason is; the problem is; on the other hand; however(x)(ji)}ǿ^^(qing)Ć}ڴ}rҪų@e`x
DB(ti)}@N}ͺܺеǿԸ(j)ZD ģеĺ[رҪY(ji)M(jn)Д߀еҪ(j)Щ~MضxM(jn)Ɣ
Y(ji)(gu)} Y(ji)(gu)} ߉Y(ji)(gu)~ڴҸõá^ but however nevertheless on the other hand. ¶x that is which is which means in other words. due to since therefore so. ӴΣ first next then after that lastly ҲҪäĿ ҪĿȥע@ЩС~
} }Y(ji)˼(x)(ji)}ԼY(ji)(gu)}@N͵}Ŀyա@N}͕rҪע һЩY(ji)ԵľӼʾ~磺 later after that and then there are…types of…;we can classify them into