и ָ
Ҫ(x)A(ch)ֻ̫(f)(x) Ǜ]õһõk ʲôǻA(ch)l(f)(zhn)c ̖þͿ߀ һr˵ȵȶҪ `ȥaw һȻ ÿһ䣬mȻһв~ Ŭ ӽY(ji)(gu) ~ƴһȻٌԭ犵¡ᳫ`ʽӢZW(xu)(x)Ҳ@Ҿ(x) ܼ@ǽ Xc(yng)(jng)֮g(lin)ϵ@N(lin)ϵǺܶ̕rg(ni)ġrgaΣaһcA(ch)һcֻǰl(f)oĺһֹһի@ʲôr_ʼ
ȿԭ 䌍һN`X@NkӖ(xn)߀ҕXc(jng)(lin)ϵ Xɲ¹ֻ^ ɕ @Щ }g(sh)ֻ A(ch)õͬW(xu)õһϿ Ӳ֪ЩɸòfЩ иCѽ(jng)mãCвxxҲ]˺εһһ係}Ŀε ռıռܶӢZ^3-5 XۺͰl(f)ҶڻA(ch)һ߀ǿ25ңڻA(ch)õͬW(xu)ڏ(f)(x)Aξ 2-3}HЧ ?jn)?sh)
ƽr(x)Ҫ(w) ÿ~ ˿ҪáŗA(ch) Ӗ(xn)(x)߀϶вٖ| ǕrgoֻϿô˿ Ŭ µҪ(ni) ע D(zhun)УrgcҪϢһЩ(x)(ji)~ Ҳ ̾䆖rƽrӖ(xn)עe T÷(x)Z DZµĹ @N}Еrǿ@ЩT÷@cL Ҫ(ni)߀кܴ^(q)eġ1986ԁETS Ҫǣ
A. Understanding "idioms, conversational expressions, and two-or three -word verbs";
B. Discerning "implied" meanings;
C. Answering questions about the "specific content" of a conversation or a short talk;
D. Interpreting emphasis, stress, and tone;
E. Sound discrimination; and
F. Understanding "comparisons".
@6΄(w)и Ӗ(xn)c ǏaA(ch)Ļ @ЩĿӖ(xn)c(yng)ԓ ^}Ŀ6헷քew{Y(ji)J(rn)R҂](f)(x)Yϣ
1 d犵¡Ĵᳫʽ" ".ڌ Ђȫ˽@Ǐ(f)(x)϶ǽb
2 BARRON TOEFL STRATEGY ָ(do)(zhn) (x)6 cMо(x)
4 CBTԅCracking TOEFL Listening CBTCLIFFS2005и ָ(do)CBT (zhn)(x)
5 } (x)иPPܛ,Еrg߀ҪעУl(f)`
и ָϡP(gun)£
и 12-09
и Pӛ08-26
иӢZ 08-04
и ɲE12-12
и }08-25
˼ 俼ָ08-27
и Ľ^12-07
и 俼11-30
и ;11-28