

l(f)r(sh)g:2017-10-28 ݋:ٱ


1I work for the government. C(j)P(gun)

2I need your help. ҪĎиZ(y)W(xu)(x)

3I hope our dreams come true. ϣ҂ĉ(mng)档

4I see what your mean. ˽˼

5Let’s h**e a beer or something. ۂc(din)ơʲô

6Could you do me a big f**or? ܷՈ(qng)҂(g)æ?

7Can you cover for me on Friday/help me/tell me how to get there?ܲՈ(qng)҂(g)/܎҆/ܸVҵô߆?

8Let me explain why I was late. ׌ҽt

9Am I allowed to stay out past 10? ҿʮc(din)^(gu)ٻؼ҆?

10I would like to talk to you for a minute. Մһ¡

11I’m supposed to go on a diet/get a raise. ґ(yng)ԓ(ji)ʳ/qY

12The meeting was scheduled for two hours, but it is now over yet.(hu)hԭ˃ɂ(g)Сr(sh)^(gu)F(xin)߀](mi)нY(ji)

13Would you care to see it/sit down for a while? ҪҪ/һ(hu)?

14When is the store closing? @ҵʲôr(sh)Y(ji)I(yng)I(y)?

15He is crazy about Crazy English. (du)ӢZ(y)ԡ

16I’m looking forward to seeing you. Ҋ(jin)㡣

17I feel like sleeping/taking a walk. ˯ɢ

18I’m glad to see you again. ܸdٴҊ(jin)

19I like your sense of humor. ϲgĬ

20I have a lot of problems. кܶ(wn)}
