

l(f)r(sh)g:2017-12-27 ݋:ٱ


һ ĊW

҂֪Д}}Ŀinfer, imply, indicate, suggest“”“[”~ôᘌ(du)Д}҂DzһҪM(jn)Џ(f)sbܵľʽ“”?(dng)Ȼ(hu)Ո(qng)ͬW(xu)ӛסETSһ(g)¶ڽgMX֭ľSԼ}ĿyȱһµęC(j)(gu)@ҲǞʲôՓ҂Ӯ(dng)һ(chng)иԇW(xu)У(du)ڷ?jn)?sh)Ҫ󶼛](mi)κβ(dng)ԭᘌ(du)и(dng)еκ}yҲ@˵f(wn)겻׃}ĴҪԺԭһž(bio)(zhn)ҿԇн(jng)F(xin)“”r (li)f(shu)ԭֱӌ(du)(yng)x(xing)](mi)ʲô׃“Ƶ}”r


What can be inferred from paragraph 1 about Britain’s short supply of wood in the eighteenth century?

A Wood from Britain’s great forests was being exported to other countries for profit.

B A growing population had required cutting down forests to increase available land for farming.

C Larger families required the construction of larger homes made from wood.

D What was left of the great forests after the medieval period was being strictly protected.

(j)}Ŀ(du)(yng)һ(ӛ(dng)}Ŀaboutabout(ni)ݻԭĶλ)Ϣ^(gu)ǿһBecause of the growth of population, most of the great forests of medieval Britain had long ago been replaced by fields of grain and hay. f(shu)?yn)˿L(zhng)Ӣ(gu)o(j)r(sh)󲿷ɭѽ(jng)r(nng)ݴľĸȱsһֱҪֱӌ(du)(yng)x(xing)Bɴ˿Ҋ(jin)@](mi)ʲô^(gu)




1. wcָľdz͌(sh)Hϵķ󷶇ƌ(do)(du)(yng)Сă(ni)“Ї(gu)մƷ|(zh)dz”ƌ(do)“|(zh)e(cu)”?yn)Ї?gu)Ǵ󷶇еС@ǿƌ(do)(li)


8. It can be inferred that Basilosaurus breed and gave birth in which of the following locations

A. On land

B. Both on land and at sea

C. In shallow water

D. In a marine environment

(du)(yng)ԭB@N(dng)Ķλ֪ Basilosaurus was undoubtedly a fully marine whale with possibly nonfunctional, or vestigial, hind legs.f(shu)@һNȫ@Nh(hun)}Ŀ“breed and give birth ”ںСxD

2. ȡָľ҂f(shu)෴P(gun)ϵĘ(bio)־“(li)҂֮ǰŮ”@ԒV҂һ(g)ʲôϢ?“(li)֮ҾͲ҂”ͬД}И(bio)־Եĕr(sh)g¼c(din)ǰ෴P(gun)ϵP(gun)Ҫ


Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 2 about canal building?

A. Canals were built primarily in the south of England rather than in other regions.

B. Canal building decreased after the steam locomotive was invented.

C. Canal building made it difficult to study rock strata which often became damaged in the process.

D. Canal builders hired surveyors like Smith to examine exposed rock strata.

(j)}Ŀ(du)(yng)ԭĵһ䣺This was before the steam locomotive, and canal building was at its height.@ԒV҂C(j)܇(ch)F(xin)֮ǰ\(yn)ӽ̎픷壬c(din)ĠB(ti)f(shu)֮󣬾ͲxBͬ߀TPO33-P3-Q12.TPO19-P3-Q5.TPO4—P3-Q6




Which of the following statements about leading Roman soldiers and statesmen is supported by paragraphs 5 and 6?

A. They could read and write the Greek language.

B. They frequently wrote poetry and plays.

C. They focused their writing on military matters.

D. They wrote according to their lives.

(j)}Ŀ(du)(yng)ԭ: .It was no accident that many leading Roman soldiers and statesmen were writers of high caliber.ǾЛ](mi)κοÁ(li)xă(ni)@r(sh)һע}Ŀo˃ɶεķ҂(j)@ԒϢ“|(zh)”صζλ@r(sh)l(f)F(xin)It was absolutely accepted that an educated Roman should be fluent in Greek.|(zh)Cһ^(gu)ѽԌ(du)(yng)@֮xA

ͬ߀}TPO27-P3-Q4 TPO14-P3-Q1+Q10 TPO11-P3-Q10
